December 13, 2011


Checkpoint Charlie (or "Checkpoint C") was the name given by the Western Allies to the best-known Berlin Wall crossing point between East Berlin and West Berlin during the Cold War.
  Checkpoint Charlie became a symbol of the Cold War, representing the separation of east and west.

After the dissolution of the Eastern Bloc and the reunification of Germany, the building at Checkpoint Charlie became a tourist attraction. It is now located in the Allied Museum in the Dahlem neighborhood of Berlin.

 the original guard house was removed and it is now on display in the open-air museum of the Allied Museum in Berlin-Zehlendorf

 The course of the former wall and border is now marked in the street with a line of cobblestones. A copy of the guard house and sign that once marked the border crossing was later built where Checkpoint Charlie once was. It resembles the first guard house erected during 1961, behind a sandbag barrier towards the border.

Near the location of the guard house is the Haus am Checkpoint Charlie, 

 The two Soldiers (one American and one Russian) represented at the Checkpoint Memorial were both stationed in Berlin during the early 1990s.
  Tourists can have their photographs taken for a fee with actors dressed as allied military policemen standing in front of the guard house. 

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